Created from mud from desolate landscapes
Residing in apathetic mind scapes
Granted are her accomplishments
Revered in benevolent mien- abhay mudra
Target of sarcasm for foibles humane
For licking a tamarind, giggling with a meandering brook
For pale lilies blooming full
Roses resting at her nape
Tangled in her lustrous dark mane,
She the vile enchantress,
Cursed for all things ill fated
She, who is perpetually in love with love
Swaying, flowing in its rippling lyrical waves
Under crescent moon lone,
A cascade of stars
Intoxicated on vinous mogra fragrance
Nourishing harbouring all,
Embracing weaknesses
Encompassing failures and joys
Called deity,
The lady of the house
Till desires aspirations are locked safe in her heart
The never ending work,
Praised and forgotten
Adored till her gypsy soul is in handcuffs of morality
Her tambourine rusty silent
In weaving simple dreams of a complex life
The only song left in her is dirge
An elegy for opal moon
Pinned lonely in the night sky
For night flowers shedding tears of silver
she is feared as blood spitting Chandika
Installed on exalted plinth,
Caged in temples
Beguiled in swirling smoke of scented incense
In pristine flowers offered at her feet,
Heads bowed hiding cunning smiles
But daughters unfurl courage in a Mother!
Her little girl's tiny anklets gave wings to wishes,
The toothless grins voiced unsung unsaid thoughts
The Durgas, Lakshmis, Seetas step down from pedestal
Of sacrifice, benevolence and piety
They fly, flow and soar up in the skies
Exploring endless possibilities of imagination infinite
Her virtues no more a shackle,
World on her finger tip, challenges in stride
Realizing herself
Around her the cosmos revolve
She is the nurturer, the bearer and the soul
Mothering the world with love and compassion
Every single woman is whole

Born in a literary environment of AatmvatSarvBhuteshu, with poems as lullabies; philosophy as bed time stories, Kokila Gupta was brought up amid mountains and valleys nurturing a deep love for nature and simplicity. She chose Immuno-Parasitology as her studies and later resigned from a Government job to pursue her other interests. Her prose, poetry, musings or Haiku, all express a natural affinity for life in mundane spontaneity. She is a lecturer by profession, traveler by passion and a writer by choice. She has been chosen as the #WomanPoet for the month of March by Chrysanthemum Chronicles.