Long, long ago, in a quaint little town,
There lived a boy named Jack at whom people would often frown,
For he was a lazybone, shy and not so brave,
To get rich quick he would often crave…
One fine day he set out to sell his cow,
With his poor mom he soon started a row,
For in lieu of the cow he had got magic beans,
Furious, mom would teach him a lesson by all means!
She planted the beans in the kitchen garden,
Jack begged his mom that she would pardon,
Amazed he was as he looked out next morn,
For out of the magic beans, a beanstalk was born!
Soon his garden was full of the juiciest beans,
Jack sold them returning with coins in his jeans,
Soon his earning he began to multiply,
He achieved the impossible by beginning to try…
‘Work is worship’ became his motto in life,
He bought a golden goose to end his strife,
The goose laid eggs equivalent to gold,
His mom beamed with pride as his happiness grew manifold!
‘Fortune favours the brave’ goes the old saying,
Jack proved it right by all his doing,
With all his income he built an animal farm,
He generously shared with others and did no one any harm!

Anwesha Bhattacharya is a passionate writer delving into prose and poetry in
English. Her stories and poems have been published in various anthologies and
publications on esteemed platforms. She likes to weave her words from everyday life and craft meaningful tales from her own experiences. An avid nature- lover, she is also a keen artist and singer.